Thursday, September 29, 2011

Name of The Game

I'm happy to say I'm invigorated and driven to continue with this line of posts about game design and theory, and game playing. What seems most desirable now is to have a website independent, unlike the current situation of using blogspot. The question remains, "what shall the new site be called?"

Unfortunately, are taken. is available, but I'm not sure if I want to use it for this narrow purpose. is available and I think it has a ring to it, as well as being on topic.

I open it to you, Audience. Tell me what you think should go into the name of the new site?


  1. I was asked to describe more of what I hope this site to be and I said, "an incubator for my game design ideas. A place to talk about the aspects of different games, their play-ability, and coalescing different parts into a new creation. By 'game,' I mean an activity where the participant face challenges and the rewards of which come from the actions themselves, not the accomplishment of any particular goal, solely."

    So far, the domain names that I've come up with and are available in the .com suffix are:

    Please let me know which one you like and if you have any suggestions for other names.

  2. I like purposeful-play...or something similar that captures the freedom of play. With play as the main "genre" so-to-speak, then much of the other things you've described would fit nicely under that as "sub-genres."

    Even though I know and you know the playful nature and freedom that comes from puzzles, complex game scenarios, or other challenging thought activities, it could be more limiting to others who aren't seeing the broader definition of "play."

    Looking forward to see how it grows.


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