Of course, we should strive to be in a constant state of flux that takes into account the turbulent nature of being an entity that is the overlay of billions of semi-individual organisms in a hallucinatory state of "self" and whose nature is highly social, that is, dependent on the relations with other such beings in definition and measure. So, the idea of a prescribed time to resolve for improvement could be a textbook example of contrived, if such a guide be in demand. However, we are, as noted above, social, and it is being prompted by this society to improve that I find the inspiration for the following, as well as aspiring to inspire.
To evaluate myself as a work in progress, to acknowledge that there is more work to do, and all work worth doing takes time for fruition. There are things out of my control, be they externalities or circumstance or structural bias, and are obstacles to be aware, not any part of self evaluation. Which is to say, I must practice what I preach here in PersonalLiberationLand. We are the beautiful phantasm of individuals, an evanescent drop on the surface of society built on a synergy of organic chemistry which rests so fragile on a lattice of physics. There is no room for circumstances there, except those which we nigh miraculously overcome to exist.
To avoid distractions, finding a joy in progressing, no matter how infinitely tiny, no matter how quixotic the goal may seem, towards that which I have set out to do until I succeed or die. There is nothing more pathetic than having a blog where you describe how being independent of mind and spirit is the very definition of living an authentic life, then being distracted in the very pursuits that you are driven to do, and after a time, bitch that you haven't succeeded (not directly to you, dear readers, not you).
Making evaluations of goals to see if they stay in alignment with ideals and are in proportion to where they sit in priority. This is a little like the "my third wish is for an infinite number of wishes" kind of resolution, the meta--resolution.
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