Thursday, October 7, 2010

Game On

Way back in my mis-spent youth, as opposed to my mis-spent adulthood, I found a subculture periodic that inspired me. Unfortunately, I don't recall the name of it, this was in the late '97 to early '98 range when I was spending a lot of time browsing Barnes & Nobles' non-fiction and periodicals. The issue was dedicated to play as a social resource and I was both awed and inspired by the author's bold novelty. As testament to its motivational power, it was how I learned of Burning Man, and my impetus for going to the event later that year.

Recently, there have been many expounding on how fun and play are the basis for the Next Big Thing. I am sure they are right, but I think the frequency is interesting. Examples include the success of World of Warcraft, major companies putting a presence in Second Life, Chinese virtual gold harvesters, Charles Stross' Halting State, Institute for the Futures' simulation series, and the young man whose ideas were award some significant venture capital and the focus of a New York Times article on making a game interface for brand awareness and loyalty.

Play is not merely hip, it is the next Wave, in the strategic forecasting sense. Leisure time is prolific in the Industrialized zones of the world, and being industrialized means having the largest employment sector of an economy be service oriented. What can be more service oriented than entertainment? And when we create entertainment, like this blog entry, we stop being mere spectators and cross the line as collaborators. So, please write a comment and play with me.


  1. Can you list 10 things that you can do that will bring you closer to people in your community?

  2. Yes. :P

    Sure, I like a challenge:
    Start up games, offer people an opportunity to be a part of an arbitrary, evanescent community.
    Challenge people, give them the chance to think, have some mental and physical stimulation.
    Be an organizer.
    Be open to new opportunities, let wonder happen.
    Learn a new language; potential conversation partners are in your community.
    Volunteer, compassion may be the ultimate "ice breaker."
    Smile. Smiling is the "+1" of the physical world.
    Share your dreams, you'll inspire others to do the same.
    Be yourself, everyone wants interesting people in their communities and you are interesting.
    Comment on blogs; the digital community is a community.


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