Thursday, April 14, 2011

Qualitative Survey of Motorists - Thursday, April 14, 2011

Vast majority, approximately over ninety percent, were single occupied vehicles.
Well over half were driven by women.
When passengers were present, all were women.
The number of drivers of Negro descent were approximately on par with cohort's ratio of the United States population.
The number of passengers of Negro descent were over par with cohort's ratio of United States population.

The survey was conducted on the Eastbound motor vehicles on Morse Road in Columbus, Ohio from 8:00 - 8:10 A.M.

Monday, April 11, 2011

(Sports) Philosophy of Mind

Most team games have the goal of taking the ball away, and keeping it, from the opposing players. This is an incentive to reduce the participation, thus the fun, of competitors. It encourages team work on one side, but doesn't foster inclusion and rapport across the field.
As a side note for all the traditional business network builders: Golf is passive-aggressive, the players engage through the turf.
For a cooperative competition look for games where everyone gets a turn, or at least there is an incentive to give other players an opportunity to participate. Examples include tennis and role playing.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April - Odds and Ends

In the United States April is National Poetry Month. A great opportunity to flex your creative organ, try to write everyday. This is a good excuse to put color and bold ideas in the workplace.

Speaking of bold ideas, the United States federal government has a website for contract opportunities: